So, to say that I am behind the times is something of a generalization considering that I was covered in a sensual combo of baby barf, breastmilk, and dog hair when blogging became the thing to do. I guess it's better to be late to the party than to never show up at all. And, the best part is that other people got to work out all of the kinks in the system before I showed up. Bravo people paying attention!
I love my job. I get paid a decent amount (and by decent, I mean that if I ever had to live on my own, I'd be screwed without my husband's "real job," benefits, and general earning power) to read . . . all the time. And order books for a store. And talk to people about books. And get copies of said books BEFORE they come out (quite possibly the single greatest job perk for a booseller since we are all beyond BROKE). And to travel to exotic locales like Salt Lake City and Detroit with other bookish people. (Cue Price is Right prize music) For someone like me who has a dusty B.A. in English on the shelf, it's a great gig. Not to mention that I get to stay home and hang out with my kid while I do this.
Welcome to my life. Hopefully you don't think it's too boring.
10 Great Romantasy Books that You May Not Know About
5 months ago
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